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Franciscan Life
From the time of St. Francis, the Franciscan charism has always been to live the Gospel, namely to "observe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience, without anything of their own and in chastity." (Rule, 1)
Two traits characterize the true Franciscan:
love for the Incarnate Word of God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. (cf. Admonitions, 1)
We follow St Francis, who followed Christ closely. As Christ chose to be in this world Poor, Chaste and Obedient, so our three evangelical counsels (the vows we take) are to live in Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.
As Franciscans, we profess the Rule of St. Francis and we look to St. Francis
& St. Clare as our models
and patrons.
- click photo to enlarge -
On the Boardwalk | Mary & Sr Patricia |
Sr Ilaria playing the Violin | Br Grant at Outreach |
Brothers cleaning up | Br Peter's Final Profession |
Final Profession | Sr Gemma's Final Profession |
Marian, Donna & Myra | Sr Bernadette on the Praries |
Sr Patricia and Sr Therese | Sr Teresa and Sr Miryam |
Fr Christopher | Brothers at School |
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