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Prayer Life
The Franciscans of Halifax are pilgrims and sojourners in this world. For their whole life they journey, seeking Jesus Christ, striving to see His Holy Face, which is the face of the Father, in a contemplative encounter.
"Come," my heart says, "seek His face!" Ps. 27:8
We seek Christ, and contemplating Him, strive to be transformed according to His image and to imitate His life.
In this transformation we receive the grace to love God perfectly, and our brothers and sisters, whoever they may be.
This spiritual journey begins on the day of baptism. We dedicate our lives completely to it on the day of our consecration, leaving everything behind, and complete it on the day of our death, when we will meet our beloved Lord Face to face.
Prayer in Community
Spiritual life and community life are founding values of the Franciscans of Halifax, as they are essentially connected. The community in fact is the theological place where the mystical presence of Christ can be experienced: For where two or three are gathered in my Name, I am there among them (Mt. 18: 20).
The friars and sisters are called daily to deepen their relationship with God, so that Jesus Christ may be at the center of each local community and of the Association as a whole, and so that the Holy Spirit may build up our life and transform us more and more into a spiritual family.
"Beyond all, they should desire to possess the Spirit of the Lord and His holy operation, to pray always to Him with a pure heart and to have humility, patience in persecution and in infirmity and to love those who persecute, reprove and accuse us" Rule of St. Francis, Ch. 10
Committed to praying together, with special care in praying the Liturgy of the Hours and celebrating the Sacraments, the community finds its strength and unity in the Lord who has called and gathered us. Being thus filled, we are then able to go forth in our various ministries as leaven in the world.